Shalom Chaverim, This is again, the first opportunity I have had to blog about this project in a while. In an update I sent out in March, I wrote: The work of the Scripture Restoration Project is an awesome responsibility, and not one that I take lightly. I suspect that YHWH called me to this […]
Author Archives: JamesTrimm
The Old Syriac as Key to Most Original Hebrew Matthew: DuTillet vs. Shem Tob
The Hebrew versions of Matthew that have come down to us may be categorized into two basic text versions. The readings we find in the DuTillet and Munster aexhibit a great deal of agreement with each other, with only minor variations from text to text. We will call this the “Traditional” Hebrew text. On the […]
The Original Followers of Yeshua Used a Hebrew and Aramaic NT
The original followers of Yeshua were in fact an ancient sect of Jews known as the Nazarenes (or Netzarim) (Acts 24:5). The fourth century “church father” Epiphanius described them as follows: But these sectarians… did not call themselves Christians–but “Nazarenes,” … However they are simply complete Jews. They use not only the New Testament but […]
Strait is the Gate, Narrow is the Way
It has been several days since I have taken time to update you on the work of the Scripture Restoration Project, so I wanted to share with you another example of the detective work involved in restoring the original Hebrew of the Gospels. In particular I want to share with you the process of the […]
But Aren’t the Oldest NT Manuscripts Greek?
One of the questions we get most often is “But Aren’t the Oldest NT Manuscripts Greek?” Yes it is true that our oldest Hebrew copies of Matthew and Hebrews (the only NT books we have in Hebrew) only date back to the middle ages. And it is true that our oldest Aramaic copies of New […]
Important Update on the Scripture Restoration Project
Shalom Chaverim, It has become apparent that if this project is to move at anything like a reasonable pace, it is going to have to become the main focus of my work. The work was abruptly interrupted by the “Texas Snowpoaclypse” and one thing after another has gotten in the way since then to focusing […]
Simon the Jar Merchant
Simon the Jar MerchantByJames Scott Trimm The books known as the “New Testament” were originally written in Hebrew ans Aramaic and were later translated into Greek, Latin and other European languages. There are some passages in the NT which do not make sense at all in Greek, but only begin to make sense when we […]
Did Yeshua Quote the Shema Wrong?
In Matt. 22:37 Yeshua quotes the Shema (Deut. 6:4-5). But the Greek text of Matthew this appears (as it appears in the KJV): Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.(Matt. 22:37 KJV) However the actual text of […]
Yeshua Fulfilled the Torah
Shalom Chaverim, This is the first time I have had time to blog about this project since late January. February was a very trying month for us, as my wife and I were victims of the Texas Snow-pocalypse. You can read a detailed account of how we survived the snow-pocalypse here. It was quite an […]
Does Matthew 28:19 Really Say “The Father, Son and Holy Spirit”?
Does Matthew 28:19 Really Say“The Father, Son and Holy Spirit”?ByJames Scott Trimm I was recently asked about the Shem Tob Text of Hebrew Matthew 28:19-20 which reads: “Go and guard them to uphold all the words which I have commanded you forever.”(Matthew 28:19-20 Shem Tob) This differs from the DuTillet/Munster version of Hebrew Matthew which […]