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How Two Scribal Errors Ironically Preserve the Original Reading

How Two Scribal Errors Ironically Preserve the Original ReadingByJames Scott Trimm In Matthew 4:24 the KJV reads (in agreement with the Greek): And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which […]

Scholars on the Original Language of the New Testament

Scholars on the Original Language of the New TestamentByJames Scott Trimm The New Testament was first written in Hebrew and Aramaic.  A number of noted scholars have argued, that at least portions of the New Testament were originally penned in a Semitic tongue.  This argument has been asserted for every part of the NT from […]

The Earliest Versions of the New Testament

The Earliest Versions of the New TestamentByJames Scott Trimm I have often said that the Ketuvim Netzarim (the “Writings of the Nazarenes” commonly known as the so-called “New Testament”) was originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic and then translated into other languages such as Greek and Latin.  When we study these books, it is with […]

Restoring Matthew 1:1-17 and Gospel According to the Hebrews

Shalom Chaverim, As the Scripture Restoration Project continues, I have decided, for the time being, to go back to the beginning of Matthew and start working thru the Genealogy of Messiah found there. The nativity account found in Matthew chapters 1-2 is also the nativity account which was found in the Gospel according to the […]

Does the New Testament Quote the Septuagint?

Does the New Testament Quote the Septuagint?ByJames Scott Trimm One of the arguments frequently used to support the supposed Greek origin of the “New Testament” is the claim that the book of the “New Testament” often quote the Septuagint (LXX) Greek version of the Tanak. However this is a very dubious claim. Only the Greek […]

But Aren’t the Oldest NT Manuscripts Greek?

But Aren’t the Oldest NT Manuscripts Greek?ByJames Scott Trimm The books known as the “New Testament” were originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic and were later translated into Greek, Latin and other European languages.    One of the questions we get most often is “But Aren’t the Oldest NT Manuscripts Greek?” Yes it is true […]

The Plain Truth about Hebrew Matthew Part 2

The Plain Truth about Hebrew MatthewPart 2The Evidence of Corruption in Shem Tob’s MatthewByJames Scott Trimm (Pictured above, a page from the actual manuscript of DuTillet Hebrew Matthew.) In part one, I showed a close relationship exists between the DuTillet/Munster Hebrew versions of Matthew and the Shem Tob Hebrew version of Matthew. In part two, […]

The Plain Truth about Hebrew Matthew Part 1

The Plain Truth about Hebrew Matthew(Part 1)ByJames Scott Trimm There has been a lot of talk in the movement in recent years about Hebrew Matthew, and having studied the various Hebrew texts of Matthew for a quarter of a century, I thought I would set the story straight about the various versions. One person came […]